1. Research

1. Research

We apply research techniques to understand the desired outcome, assess the opportunity and test different solutions. Only after these initial explorations do we propose a vision for a desirable product, service or experience.

We apply research techniques to understand the desired outcome, assess the opportunity and test different solutions. Only after these initial explorations do we propose a vision for a desirable product, service or experience.

We apply research techniques to understand the desired outcome, assess the opportunity and test different solutions. Only after these initial explorations do we propose a vision for a desirable product, service or experience.

2. Prototyping

We design interactive interfaces for mobile, desktop, and custom screens. We translate design specifications into protocols that are easy for developers to interpret.

We design interactive interfaces for mobile, desktop, and custom screens. We translate design specifications into protocols that are easy for developers to interpret.

We design interactive interfaces for mobile, desktop, and custom screens. We translate design specifications into protocols that are easy for developers to interpret.

3.Functional applications

We employ creative coding to transform our designs into functional software applications.

We employ creative coding to transform our designs into functional software applications.

4.Impact Assessment

We analyse the experience impact in partnership with our clients in order to improve effectiveness.

We analyse the experience impact in partnership with our clients in order to improve effectiveness.

Selected Works

PT-1-SummaryProject type

PT-2-PropositoProject type

PT-3-AbordagemProject type

PT-4-ServicosProject type

PT-5-TimeProject type

PT-6-ContatoProject type

EN-1-SummaryProject type

EN-2-PurposeProject type

EN-3-ApproachProject type

EN-4-ServicesProject type

EN-5-TeamProject type

EN-6-ContactProject type